Brandon Tackett
Brandon Tackett is currently an Assistant Tennis Coach at Scott County High School, student at EKU (Eastern Kentucky University) and teaches part-time at the Bluegrass Racquet club as well as juniors here locally in Georgetown. Brandon also graduated from Scott County High School and during his spare time, he plays in adult USTA Tennis leagues as well as regional USTA sanctioned tennis tournaments. His passion is playing and teaching tennis. He loves working with juniors of all ages and levels which strive to make their Middle and High School teams as well as play in junior tennis tournaments. He has 5+ years experience in both Coaching and giving personal Instruction to several juniors here locally that are ranked in the top 20 in the State.
- Assistant tennis Coach for both Scott County Boy’s & Girls teams.
- Part-time tennis Instructor at Bluegrass Racquet Club in Nicholasville.
- 6+ years giving Tennis Instruction to local Juniors (several of which are ranked in the top 20 in the state).
- Elementary school enrichment program leader.
- Junior Team Tennis (JTA) Coach for the past 5 years.
- Member At-Large of the local Georgetown Tennis Association Board.
[email protected] or (859) 492-7827
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